Cascade Regional Blood Services’ Rapid Response to COVID-19
Help provide new hope in our fight against the coronavirus

Help provide new hope in our fight against the coronavirus
COVID-19 has become the greatest public health threat of our lifetime. As the virus continues to spread and take lives, health officials, medical providers, and researchers are working together to discover effective treatments and find a vaccine. And every minute counts.
The US FDA has created a new program to expedite the development of potentially safe and effective life-saving treatments. This includes examining whether therapies such as convalescent plasma—part of the blood donated by a recovered person—could shorten the length or lessen the severity of COVID-19.
The key to ensuring the availability of convalescent plasma to those in greatest need is getting recovered COVID-19 patients to donate plasma.
Cascade Regional Blood Services is one of the first blood centers in the country to collect plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients. The plasma we collect is being used in clinical trials at MultiCare Health System hospitals. Local doctors are excited to use this plasma to provide a treatment to their sickest patients through a clinical trial.
And we need your help to accelerate our response!
“As a physician caring for the sickest patients from COVID-19, I am very grateful that CRBS is able to help us provide convalescent plasma as a potential working treatment when very few other options are available. Despite our local shortage of COVID-19 plasma donors, CRBS is able to work quickly to process these units to provide further hope in keeping our sickest patients alive.”
– Joshua Le, DO MultiCare Auburn and Good Samaritan Critical Care Intensivist
“People throughout our community are looking for ways they can contribute to the COVID-19 response. This is an incredibly valuable way to support our participation in this study that has the potential to lessen the severity or shorten the length of illness caused by COVID-19.”
– Christine Swinehart, President and CEO
Your gift to CRBS today offers an immediate way to help fund research that may lead to effective treatment for COVID-19.
Community support will allow us to increase staffing to mobilize and collect from plasma donors. And each plasma donation has the potential to help up to four COVID patients.
Additionally, new equipment purchases are necessary to replace those at the end of their lives, including our blast freezer. Rapid freezing shows a higher recovery rate of proteins, as well as increasing the production efficiency.
Please join us in this race to find a treatment for COVID-19 by contributing to this vital research.

A recovered COVID-19 patient donates plasma that will assist in local clinical trials. “I’m so grateful to have recovered and to be able to help at this critical time.”