“How do I get this awesome tote”, you may be asking yourself.
It’s simple.
If you’re a WHOLE BLOOD DONOR, simply schedule your next appointment before leaving the donation center, show up and donate at the agreed upon time and receive your new CRBS tote bag!
If you’re an AUTOMATED DONOR, and have already scheduled your next appointment with your Automated Donations Scheduler during your reminder call, you will receive your tote when you come in for that appointment. If you don’t have another appointment scheduled, please stop by the front desk on your way out and ask to set up your next donation before you leave. Our front desk staff will be glad to connect you with your Scheduler to make your next appointment.*

Earn your tote October 23, 2017 – February 3, 2018
*Appointments that are canceled or no-shows will result in starting over. Appointments that are kept but rescheduled, still receive a tote. Appointments that are rescheduled within the same day still receive a tote. Appointments that are rescheduled, due to donor ineligibility, will receive a tote when the new appointment is kept.